ZTora - pronounced (Zee - Tor - Ah) Rants, scants, and elephant dance. The Zee Tiger is in the room.

Monday, April 16, 2007

Blog Update: Hello CSS

I have a pet peeve. I spent about 4 years developing web pages that used tables for the layout. This is a no-no in todays CSS world. However the default templates for Blogger almost all use tables for layout. What the Frack? So I had to go to a pure CSS design.

It is bad enough the text editor for posting pages creates some sloppy (X)HTML I don't want if for the site. That said there is some growing pains with the adaptation of new technology. One of them maybe that your browser doesn't see this page correctly. I recommend using Mozilla Firefox. Sure, Internet Explorer 7 is supposed to be faster and some even say it renders faster that Firefox. Well the damn thing should! It's embedded into the OS. It's the difference between kernel level print drivers standard print drivers. Sure it's faster. It just causes a hell of a lot more problems when it breaks.

I digress. The page has changed and I hope for the better. In time Blogger will fix its lack of CSS usable templates, but for right now, mine is better than it was before.

Update: The Great Global Warming Swindle (Complete)

Apparently YouTube or the poster from their site has removed the original video. I'm not entirely surprised. It probably violated some copyright thing. Ah well. I hope it shows in the US. I hear that there are some inaccuracies in the program, but I come to find that of any documentary especially if it is controversial.