ZTora - pronounced (Zee - Tor - Ah) Rants, scants, and elephant dance. The Zee Tiger is in the room.

Friday, January 06, 2006


That's the odds of selecting a woman matching the physical size and strength of the average a male. Our Military knows it, Canada knows it, and Israel probably knows it. Yet we keep trying to force women into military positions they have no chance at. Here is an article for you to see some of the data that has been collected over the years.

Its unfortunate that some of our military men have caused the problems they have, and that they committed these crimes. But when you put a fox in a hen house your bound to have problems. In the case of the US Military you have a hen in the fox den. I don't mean to minimize what some of these men may have done but our Military was simply foolish to try it in the first place. But what do you expect when our Military and Government has attempted to feminize an inherently aggressive and protective institution?

We train these people to kill. Not to rebuild countries. Not to be passive. They are trained to be aggressive and lethal. They are trained like this for the rest of the population who wants to have soft comfy lives devoid of all the bad things that go on in our world.

To the Men and women of the US Military I salute you but I do not envy you given the idiots and castrated leaders trying to pave the way.

NOTE: This post is a carry over from one I did back in early 2005.

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