ZTora - pronounced (Zee - Tor - Ah) Rants, scants, and elephant dance. The Zee Tiger is in the room.

Wednesday, January 18, 2006

Congress, money, and lobbyist

Today we seem to see our loving and faithful politicians talking about "finance reform". Walter Williams has a very good reason for this problem. Simply put we have allowed our government so much control that it's worth while to lobby/bribe government to take a course of action. If we think government control is a good thing then we might want to look at some of the communist nations and see where that got them. Russia has collapsed, China is only moving by shear nationalism and the weight of a billion people, and almost all other dictatorships are not big influences in the global market unless they have oil. I'd love to see what happens if America found an alternative fuel source and started using it. Would the middle east regress into third world countries?

In a dinner that Walter had with Nobel Laureate Friedrich Hayek, he asked "if he had the power to write one law that would get government out of our lives, what would that law be?" Hayek replied "he'd write a law that read: Whatever Congress does for one American it must do for all Americans."

This would have an interesting impact. Many people who favor affirmative action would not like it as all people would have to get the same money/program from the government. Businesses would hate it as they would get no extra money/benefits from the government that their competition would not get. Politicians would hate it because they would have no one giving them money for special interest because the government couldn't treat anyone as "special".

I kind of like this idea.

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