ZTora - pronounced (Zee - Tor - Ah) Rants, scants, and elephant dance. The Zee Tiger is in the room.

Friday, January 06, 2006

Same-sex Marriage

Now this is something that keeps floating around the media and government like a really bad fart. It just wafts through the air where it pleases not caring who it envelopes. So what is my problem with it you ask? My problem is that this shouldn't even have to come up. It should not be the government's job to say "you can be married and you can't". But government greed wins out and they want the taxes and the supposed offering of benefits. I love the fact that our government forces "benefits" down our throat, but that's another post.

Instead the government needs to be out of the marriage license game. It shouldn't care one way or another. Leave marriage to the church. This solves the problems for both sides. The religious people who are offended by "gay marriages" don't have to worry about it because they can ignore it. The gays can have their "unions" and stop bitching about it. Sure they wont get the acceptance they want but when is forced acceptance really acceptance? Then again I have to wonder why gays are behind this? So many gays don't even want marriages. They want freedom to have sex with whom ever, what ever, when ever. Kind of goes against the whole marriage thing. Or is this all a conspiracy to devalue marriage? Maybe that's it. If we give marriage to everyone then no on really has it as it means nothing in the hands of everyone and only has value when it's in the hands of some.

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