ZTora - pronounced (Zee - Tor - Ah) Rants, scants, and elephant dance. The Zee Tiger is in the room.

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Thursday, September 21, 2006

It's been a while so I shall talk about Liberty.

So I decided to post again. But I shall be posting some quotes.

"Is life so dear or peace so sweet as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery? Forbid it, Almighty God! I know not what course others may take, but as for me, give me liberty, or give me death!" - Patrick Henry

"If ye love wealth greater than liberty, the tranquility of servitude greater than the animating contest for freedom, go home from us in peace. We seek not your counsel, nor your arms. Crouch down and lick the hand that feeds you; and may posterity forget that ye were our countrymen." - Samuel Adams

"From the east to the west blow the trumpet to arms! Through the land let the sound of it flee; Let the far and the near all unite, with a cheer, In defense of our Liberty Tree." - Thomas Paine

Wednesday, June 07, 2006

She's Gone Home.

This is an old post that I am reprinting to this blog.

In the year of my Lord February 20th, 2005 a beautiful G-dly women was called back home. My Grandmother, has gone to be with my Grandfather, my sister, and one of my older cousins.

My Grandmother is a special women. Special because she always cared for her family and loved them. She loved her husband and loved her great grand children. She loved her extended family at church and she loved Jesus Christ her Lord and savior. I know she is with my Lord, because I know the fruit of her labor, her undying love of G-d, and her confession of love for Christ which is boar out in her life. I wish I could find a women like my grandmother, but I don't see to many like that anymore. If I could find a women half as good as my grandmother then I would truly be a lucky man. I can see why my Grandfather fell in love with her.

She will be missed, as I miss her each time I walk in the house or walk by her chair, but I know where she is now and I know she is singing with the heavenly host and doing the Lord's work. She has no pain, has a new heavenly body, and is back with many friends and loved ones.

Paul said to the the Philippians 1

(20) I eagerly expect and hope that I will in no way be ashamed, but will have sufficient courage so that now as always Christ will be exalted in my body, whether by life or by death. (21) For to me, to live is Christ and to die is gain. (22) If I am to go on living in the body, this will mean fruitful labor for me. Yet what shall I choose? I do not know! (23) I am torn between the two: I desire to depart and be with Christ, which is better by far; (24) but it is more necessary for you that I remain in the body. (25) Convinced of this, I know that I will remain, and I will continue with all of you for your progress and joy in the faith, (26) so that through my being with you again your joy in Christ Jesus will overflow on account of me.

I think my Grandmother typified this. She wondered why she had stayed so long after my grandfather died but she realized she still had work ahead. She didn't 'retire' from her work at Church till her body was no long physically able to do it. She was an intelligently strong women who operated in her marriage as a women should. I don't think I could say enough about her. Except I love you grandma. I pray the Holy Spirit carries my love to you, and I will see you again some day.

Thursday, April 20, 2006

Photo Inspiration

Pretty Lady has inspired me to start putting up some of my photos on my blog. I really like the pic she has of her cat sitting in the sun light as well as her close up of a flower.

I am an amateur photographer who generally likes scenic and animal photos. I do like eyes though and I’m thinking about making a collage of eye pictures. So be prepared for some images to start showing up on here. Of course you always have the option of checking out my gallery. I’ll have to see about adding more to it.

Chow for now.

Thursday, March 30, 2006

I love Google video

I will have to admit that Google Video is pretty cool. You can find all sorts of vids. I found this one, Tired Black man, which is rather funny in its social commentary.

There are also all sorts of videos about different things: games, trailers, amateur directors and the like. Granted the video could be of slightly better quality but still fun to see.

Friday, February 24, 2006

No Clones about it.

With the hubbub about stem cells and their miraculous health benefits it doesn't behoove you to lie about your findings. I personally would like to see more done with adult stem cells but some think only the infantile will do. Unfortunately for Hwang Woo-suk, lying about your findings isn't very helpful to prove your case.

In the experiment deemed fraudulent, Hwang had claimed in a paper published in May in the journal Science that he had created 11 colonies of human embryonic stem cells genetically matched to specific patients.

An investigative panel at the university reported last week that Hwang had faked the research on nine of the stem cell lines. On Thursday, it confirmed he also fabricated his research for the two remaining cell lines as well.

Now if the cloners want to get me behind them I think they need to get cloned love slaves that all look like Salma Hayek or Kate Beckinsale. Though that might take away from their enchanting character. Bah! foiled again.

Anthropology just isn't what it used to be

Apparently a once esteemed anthropologist lied about some of his findings. This is nothing new as some people just lie. Unfortunately many of today's anthropologists have been operating off this lie for some time.
"Anthropology is going to have to completely revise its picture of modern man between 40,000 and 10,000 years ago," said Thomas Terberger, the archaeologist who discovered the hoax.

Another thing of interest is at the bottom of the artical and they are listed as:

  • Piltdown Man
  • The devil's acheaologist
  • Piltdown Turkey

Tuesday, February 21, 2006

No "allah" in your screen name.

Yes, that's right Yahoo will not allow the letter combination "allah". So if your last name happens to be Callahan then your screwed. If you want to have the screen name yahwehblowschucks then your find but no allah for you. As a Christian this upsets me as I have to put up with those kind of things all the time but some poor Muslim is offended. Frankly I’m offended as well. Difference is I don't threaten to blow up people.

This goes on to my point about all of these shenanigans. Yahoo has a problem as any other company who might make the same choice. If they try to cater to the few they will end up catering to the many and we will have all of us will have to have numbers for our login names at Yahoo. On the other hand if Yahoo is only catering to the Muslims do to threat of violence then that just means violence is a good way of changing public policy at Yahoo. Neither choice is good. The third options is to make it a limited free for all and then just put everyone in the same messed up shoes as my self or maybe the Buddhist or Hindus.

Wednesday, January 18, 2006

Congress, money, and lobbyist

Today we seem to see our loving and faithful politicians talking about "finance reform". Walter Williams has a very good reason for this problem. Simply put we have allowed our government so much control that it's worth while to lobby/bribe government to take a course of action. If we think government control is a good thing then we might want to look at some of the communist nations and see where that got them. Russia has collapsed, China is only moving by shear nationalism and the weight of a billion people, and almost all other dictatorships are not big influences in the global market unless they have oil. I'd love to see what happens if America found an alternative fuel source and started using it. Would the middle east regress into third world countries?

In a dinner that Walter had with Nobel Laureate Friedrich Hayek, he asked "if he had the power to write one law that would get government out of our lives, what would that law be?" Hayek replied "he'd write a law that read: Whatever Congress does for one American it must do for all Americans."

This would have an interesting impact. Many people who favor affirmative action would not like it as all people would have to get the same money/program from the government. Businesses would hate it as they would get no extra money/benefits from the government that their competition would not get. Politicians would hate it because they would have no one giving them money for special interest because the government couldn't treat anyone as "special".

I kind of like this idea.

Monday, January 09, 2006

I'm voting for the next presendent that says no new laws.

Okay, so apparently our great politicians of in Washington had the bright idea they could stop people from "annoy" people using the internet. Now as much as I'd like to back over some spammer with a truck and seal them in concrete this is just insanity. My only guess to why President Bush signed it into law because he doesn't think it will go anywhere in the court.

For those who can't be troubled to read the article, the law is for defense spending but it has some nice little items tucked under its sheets.

That brings me back to my title. I think I'm going to pull for the president, representatives, and senators who will not make any new laws. Honestly do we not have enough stupid ones already?

Women in the Boardroom?

Apparently Norwegian equality minister, Karita Bekkemellem, doesn't think there is enough women in the boardroom. A new law took affect January 1, 2006 in Norway and it gives current companies 2 years for women to compose 40% of the companies board. If this doesn't ring as Socialism, I don't know what does?

"More than half of the people who have a business education today are women. It is wrong for companies not to use them. They should be represented."
I might think Karita is on to something save what if they don't want to be board members? Some current female boardmembers see some problems as many women may not want to structure their life in a way to be a board member.

Ms Weir wonders whether her job - a profession requiring number-crunching - makes it easier for women to achieve a senior role. However, she is a reluctant role model for women eager to progress in business, partly because of the work-life sacrifices required. "The trade-offs I make won't necessarily work for everyone else," she says, adding that 90% of her time is divided between work and her three children with the remaining 10% fought over between her husband, friends and herself.
Hell, I'd hate to be on a board myself. I like having a life. Ah well, I guess we shall see how this helps Norway. Their one lucky break is they are an oil country and everyone wants oil, but I'll like to see how this affects change affects them.

Friday, January 06, 2006

Same-sex Marriage

Now this is something that keeps floating around the media and government like a really bad fart. It just wafts through the air where it pleases not caring who it envelopes. So what is my problem with it you ask? My problem is that this shouldn't even have to come up. It should not be the government's job to say "you can be married and you can't". But government greed wins out and they want the taxes and the supposed offering of benefits. I love the fact that our government forces "benefits" down our throat, but that's another post.

Instead the government needs to be out of the marriage license game. It shouldn't care one way or another. Leave marriage to the church. This solves the problems for both sides. The religious people who are offended by "gay marriages" don't have to worry about it because they can ignore it. The gays can have their "unions" and stop bitching about it. Sure they wont get the acceptance they want but when is forced acceptance really acceptance? Then again I have to wonder why gays are behind this? So many gays don't even want marriages. They want freedom to have sex with whom ever, what ever, when ever. Kind of goes against the whole marriage thing. Or is this all a conspiracy to devalue marriage? Maybe that's it. If we give marriage to everyone then no on really has it as it means nothing in the hands of everyone and only has value when it's in the hands of some.


That's the odds of selecting a woman matching the physical size and strength of the average a male. Our Military knows it, Canada knows it, and Israel probably knows it. Yet we keep trying to force women into military positions they have no chance at. Here is an article for you to see some of the data that has been collected over the years.

Its unfortunate that some of our military men have caused the problems they have, and that they committed these crimes. But when you put a fox in a hen house your bound to have problems. In the case of the US Military you have a hen in the fox den. I don't mean to minimize what some of these men may have done but our Military was simply foolish to try it in the first place. But what do you expect when our Military and Government has attempted to feminize an inherently aggressive and protective institution?

We train these people to kill. Not to rebuild countries. Not to be passive. They are trained to be aggressive and lethal. They are trained like this for the rest of the population who wants to have soft comfy lives devoid of all the bad things that go on in our world.

To the Men and women of the US Military I salute you but I do not envy you given the idiots and castrated leaders trying to pave the way.

NOTE: This post is a carry over from one I did back in early 2005.

Tuesday, January 03, 2006

Does God Exist?

I came upon this site, www.doesgodexist.org, while doing some research. The piece in question is an essay writen by John Clayton and Why I left Atheism. It's an interesting read. Take from it what you will.

Some quotes from Kelvin

I found some interesting quotes from Lord Kelvin. I'll post some here but I recommend you take a look at them.

"The more thoroughly I conduct scientific research, the more I believe that science excludes atheism."

"...Creative Power is the only feasible answer to the origin of life from a scientific perspective."

"I can state flatly that heavier than air flying machines are impossible."

"The steam engine has given more to science than science has given to the steam engine."

"Nothing can be more fatal to progress than a too confident reliance on mathematical symbols; for the student is only too apt to take the easier course, and consider the formula not the fact as the physical reality."